If ever in the future, you should stop and wonder... I want you to know just how much we love you...
I want you to know how many tears have been cried for you... our hearts breaking whenever you felt sorrow... whenever you felt pain... whenever you felt misunderstood or alone...
I want you to know how many cheers have been yelled for you and kisses blown to you, across the breeze to your heart... our hearts swelling with joy as we watch you... just being you... beautiful you...
I want you to know how many battles have been fought for you... our hearts and minds totally immersed in doing what needed to be done... just for you...
I want you to know how many nights we held you in our arms while you were sleeping... and when you grew too big to hold in our arms, we cuddled you close to us, and stroked your hair just the way you like it stroked... all while you were sleeping...
I want you to know how often we talk to Pa, asking him to watch you from above, guiding you to be the very best you can be... guiding you in your journey of life...
I want you to know... just how much we love you...
..... all the way to the moon and the stars and back again... to little tiny pieces... forever and ever...
Mum & Dad xxxx